== Hardware Survey By: Katherine Nelson ==
Here's the start of the Hardware Wish List survey... More questions will be
in later issues.
1. Joystick
a. Keep it how it already is
b. Switch to analog joystick
2. Mouse:
a. Keep it how it already is
b. Switch to serial mouse
3. Keyboard
a. Keep it how it already is
b. Switch to IBM compatibles/Amiga keyboard emulation for IBM
4. Should 15 KHz be used for anything except video?
a. Yes
b. No
5. Where should the processor/graphics/sound/etc. components be located?
a. On the board (hard to change)
b. On separate cards (slows it down )
6. What should the low-end Amiga cases be like?
a. How they currently are, one-piece with keyboard attached
b. A slim-line "pizza box" case, like low-end Macintoshes,
with separate keyboard
You'll have about a month in which to respond, so send in your votes early!
Send the responses to me (click the button at the top of this article for
the location).
Watch for the results of the Magic Workbench vs. NewIcons in the next AR.
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